Artefactos (Apr 2020)
Presentation. New Approaches in the Social Sciences and Analysis of the Sciences of the Artificial
Through the monographic issue “From the Social Sciences to the Sciences of the Artificial: New Philosophical Perspectives”, the aim to broaden the usual philosophical-methodological scope of action on science. Thus, the conceptual framework is provided by two main factors: 1) to foster greater recognition of the social sciences as a field of reflection, since they usually receive much less attention than the natural sciences; and 2) to highlight the need to address issues of the sciences of the artificial, due to the growing importance of the design sciences in the contemporary world, which contrasts with the scarce presence they have in the dominant trend in contemporary philosophy and methodology of science. The contents of this monographic issue have a bearing on several aspects: (i) offering novelties in horizontal or longitudinal terms, which leads to the consideration of new approaches, especially in the disciplines of the social sciences; and (ii) looking for vertical or transversal novelties, to deal with new issues and to go deeper into disciplines that have not received sufficient attention, especially in the field of design sciences. It is within this framework that details are given of the articles in this volume.