Australasian Orthodontic Journal (Apr 1999)

EICO-1: an orthodontist-maintained expert system in clinical Orthodontics

  • Poon Kah Chai,
  • Freer Terrence J.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 4
pp. 219 – 228


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Expert systems are increasingly being used to provide comprehensive interpretative services for diagnosis and treatment planning. Some of these systems are constrained by the complexities of rulebased strategies and a need for knowledge engineers throughout the maintenance phase. A new approach to knowledge acquisition known as Ripple-Down-Rules was used in the development of EICO-1 (Expert lnterpretation in Clinical Orthodontics). This expert-maintained system for automating orthodontic reports has a knowledge base of six hundred and eighty rules, and is maintained by an expert trained only in Orthodontics and without the help of knowledge engineers. EICO-1 is the first expert system in Dentistry to use Ripple-Down-Rules. It has potential as an interactive advisory tool and is applicable in a clinical situotion.