Морфологія (Jan 2007)
Expression of Кі67, p16INK4A and р53 as an indicator of oncogenic transformation and probable progression of cervical іntraepіthelіal neoplasіa.
High prevalence, mortality and disabling rate of malignant tumors of cervix uteri direct us to necessity to search for new diagnostic and prognostic markers for earlier and proper diagnostics of precancerous lesions of uterine cervix, to estimate probability of progression those lesions in invasive carcinomas and to determine biological behavior of cervical malignant tumors. Therefore the purpose of this study was to estimate Кi67, p16INK4A and р53 expression in order to determine intensity of proliferation and oncogenic transformation in displastic and neoplastic cervical lesions and their relation to persistent onco-genic human papillomavirus infection. Operating and bioptic material from 89 patients after hysterectomy, conization of cervix and colposcopy with biopsy of cervical tissue under visual control was investigated and diagnoses such as CINI, CINII, CINIII, invasive carcinoma were confirmed. Strait relationships between the degree of cervical lesion and intensity of staining were established for Кi67 and р53, and also correlation between intensity of immunohistochemical reaction with p16INK4A antibody and presence of DNA of oncogenic human papillomavirus was determined. Consequently estimation of these marker expressions lets us reveal those regions, which are suspicious on presence of displastic and neoplastic changes in epithelium, which looks normal with conventional staining and also assist in distinguishing those displastic and neoplastic lesions from dystrophic and atrophic ones, аs well as define carcinomas with marked malignant and invasive behavior.