Tropicultura (Jan 2008)
Evolution de la fertilité des sols dans un système cotonnier-cérales au Nord Cameroun: diagnostic et perspectives
Changes in Soil Fertility under the Cotton and Cereal Farming System in North Cameroon: Diagnostic and Perspectives. A study on soil property changes was carried out in North Cameroon between 2004 and 2005. Four methods were used: visual observations of plants, leaf analysis, soil analysis and fertilisation trials. The latter was to evaluate soil fertility level through the response of cotton plants to different fertilizer doses and to determine possible deficiencies. Soil analyses confirmed deficiencies of phosphorus (P< 30 ppm), potassium (K< 3%) and magnesium (Mg< 5%), whose symptoms were visible on cotton leaves. Fertilizer application had varying effects that depend on the zones; being weak in Far North Province, strong in the North and negligible in the Touboro region. The low level of CCE (5 to 8 méq./100 g), shows that it is necessary to add organic manure to the soil in order to improve the efficiency of chemical fertilizers. The using and production of organic manure from integrated of cropping and livestock practices and direct sowing with cover crop system it should be envisaged in the immediate future. This will also contribute in the reduction of the doses of chemical fertilizers.