Sport - Nauka i Praksa (Jan 2021)
Differences in motor abilities of track and field athletes and calisthenics practitioners
The subject of this research are the motor abilities of track and field athletes and calisthenics practitioners. The aim of the study was to examine the differences in the motor abilities of track and field athletes and calisthenics practitioners. The research was conducted on a sample of a total of 11 participants from the City of Belgrade: 6 track and field athletes (group 1) and 5 calisthenics practitioners (group 2). The standing long jump (SLJ), standing triple jump (STJ), 20 m sprinting, 50m sprinting (20 flying start) tests were used for the assessment of motor abilities. Descriptive and comparative statistical methods were used for data processing. The results of the research showed that track and field athletes perform better in the examined motor abilities. The results of descriptive statistics showed that track and field athletes perform better in all tests that assess the ability of power, speed, and acceleration. The results of comparative statistics, using the t-test for independent samples showed that a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) was found between the groups. These differences can be attributed to the training of track and field athletes, which is more planned, systematic and specific in relation to calisthenics workouts.