MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2020)
Identification of Damage Level and Cost Estimate of Building Maintenance of Elementary School
The damage of the buildings is a sure thing to happen, in the planning period, implementation until the time of its used. To maintain the reliability of the building and facilities of infrastructure so that the building is always functional, then the building maintenance is done. Cleaning, weeding, testing, repair and / or replacement of building materials or equipment are included in the scope of building maintenance (preventive maintenance). The purpose of this research is to determine the level of damage and cost estimate of building maintenance of elementary school in North Morowali District. The research method used consisted of several stages, namely primary and secondary data collection. Primary data through direct survey to the location and interview with related parties. There are 5 (five) school buildings in North Morowali District. Data processing is done by calculating the damage quantity, the level of damage in the school buildings and cost estimate maintenance. Data analysis was used Descriptive Statistics. The results of the study identified the level of damage from 5 school buildings with an average of minor damage was 21. 26%. Cost estimate of maintenance needed so that the parties associated with the school building can do preventive maintenance activities and run the maintenance of the building based on school management well was IDR 484. 805. 296.