Филологический класс (Mar 2023)
Russian National Character in the Historical Novel by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Okhonya’s Eyebrows”
The aim of this work is to consider the protagonist of the historical novel by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Okhonya’s Eyebrows”, to reveal the manifestations of the original national principle in his personal traits, the type of his consciousness and his value-based motivations. The article discusses the history of the creation of the novel and the possible prototypes of the protagonist. In Soviet literary criticism focused on the comic side of this character, which was borrowed by Mamin from folklore sources. In modern literary criticism, with its renewed methodological principles of research, a number of works have appeared, in which attention is drawn to another, more complex aspect of the character of Arefa. According to the author of the article, while considering the manifestations of the original national principles in the personal traits of the protagonist of the novel, it is necessary to take into account the social status of Arefa, his belonging to the clergy and to Christian culture. The author emphasizes in this character such national personal traits as fortitude, physical and moral stamina, and concern for others. The protagonist endures the hardships of life with the patience, meekness and prayerful mood characteristic of a Russian person. Arefa’s adherence to Christian values is manifested in the way he treats the Pugachev uprising and the Old Believers: the article proves that Arefa’s unwillingness to be on the side of the Pugachevites is caused by the rumors that Pugachev is a schismatic. Thus, Mamin emphasizes that Arefa is not just a devout deacon from a monastery, but a deeply religious person who strictly follows Orthodox ideas about schism as a delusion and a sin. The paper shows that the novel is devoted not only to historical events, but also to spiritual values and family relationships, which are the most important for Arefa. Mamin also endows the protagonist of the novel with an unusually strong feeling of love for his small homeland (his native place) – another national trait of a Russian person.