Problemi Ekonomiki (Mar 2017)
Stimulation of Investment Activity of Trade Enterprises
The increasing of investment attractiveness of an enterprise for external and internal investors and efficient management of investments play an important role in ensuring the enterprise competitiveness in the market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence, features of formation and activation of investment activity of a trade enterprise and the problems it faces in this activity. There proposed the following definition of investments: these are all types of money, property and intellectual contributions aimed to obtain an economic or social effect in the future with regard to possible risks. The effectiveness of using investments is reflected in such final results as the financial condition of the enterprise, its competitiveness, availability of new prospects, and capitalization of the market value of the enterprise, which can be ensured not by increasing the absolute value of capital investments but by achieving greater efficiency per unit of capital. The investment activity of the enterprise implies the existence of a clearly formulated and achievable goal, which is the basis of its own development, and requires the development of a comprehensive investment strategy. The authors developed methodological approaches to improving investment activities of trade enterprises; substantiated the leading role of the state in enhancing investment activities of trade enterprises and creating conditions for effective implementation of the enterprise investment potential. The proposals formulated in the work will help to increase the competitiveness of domestic trade enterprises.