AIP Advances (May 2020)
Interfacial cracks near an eccentric circular hole in piezoelectric bi-materials subjected to dynamic incident anti-plane shearing
Dynamic fracture analysis of piezoelectric materials with eccentric defects is an important criterion for the design of piezoelectric components. This work aims to suggest an effective method for the dynamic anti-plane shearing problem of piezoelectric bi-materials with permeable interfacial cracks near an eccentric circular hole. In the paper, Fredholm’s equations are solved via the Green’s function method and the coordinate transformation method. Based on conjunction and crack-deviation techniques, the dynamic stress intensity factors (DSIFs) at the outer and the inner tips of the left crack are expressed analytically. As cases, the effects of the eccentric distance, the piezoelectric parameters, the ratio of the crack length to the hole radius, and the dimensionless wave number of the incident wave are presented graphically.