Revista Ingenio (Dec 2016)
Microbiological analysis of the water quality of the Algodonal river in the section between the municipalities of Ábrego and Ocaña, Norte de Santander
During the period between March and September 2016, an evaluation of the microbiological quality of the Cotton River was carried out in the section between the municipality of Abrego and Ocaña, for which five (5) control and capacity stations (E) were established at along the main channel, whose selection was based on the IDEAM methodology applied to determine the quality of water from surface sources. This investigation sought to determine the microbiological contamination (density of bacteria) of the water source in order to know the sanitary quality of the raw water, which is intended for human consumption; The results obtained were evaluated according to the parameters defined in the national and international quality standards contemplated (Decree No. 1594 of 1984), the WHO (1996) and resolution 2115 of (2007). In the physical and microbiological sampling, simple and specific samples were taken for the evaluation of the microbiological variables (fecal coliforms and E.coli). According to the results of the evaluation of microbiological quality based on Box-plot diagrams (boxes and whiskers) that allow graphically to observe the grouping trend of 25%, 50% and 75% of the data to interpret the deviation of the data, It is concluded that the results are below the maximum allowed values of the regulations, which means that the water does not present contamination and / or alterations of the microbiological quality. In conclusion, according to the evaluation of the raw water quality of the Algodonal River, it is suitable for human consumption prior to an adequate purification treatment.