Folklor/Edebiyat (Nov 2017)
Lıvıng In Sandglass’ Tıme: The Magıc Mountaın / Bir ‘Kum Saati Zamanında’ Yaşamak: Büyülü Dağ
Cities are in the very center of modern life, in which the life of people is divided into short periods of time, e.g., working hours, transportation schedules. Modern life is an artificial path built by humankind that constantly promises to improve, or, in other words, to go forward. Further, this human-made path is believed to reach to an earthly paradise as well as following the motto of modern time. The time is not conceptualized as a unique single linear line anymore. In fact, the Postmodern Era seeks to be placed at this very moment, neither at the past nor in the future. Earthly heaven is only a nostalgic utopia for the most contemporary time in our Daily lives. In this article, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, a novel, is discussed in terms of traditional, modern, and post-modern time perceptions. Moreover, the place that the story takes place in the novel, “Uphill”, is considered to construct a different time perception, according to the term “sandglass’ time”.