Tropicultura (Jan 2017)
Vingt-cinq ans de monitoring de la dynamique spatiale des espaces verts en réponse à l'urbanisation dans les communes de la ville de Lubumbashi (Haut-Katanga, R.D. Congo)
Twenty-five Years of Monitoring of Green Space Pattern Dynamics in Response to Urbanization in the Municipalities of Lubumbashi City (Haut-Katanga, DR Congo). This study assessed the spatial-temporal dynamics of green spaces in response to urban growth for the seven municipalities of Lubumbashi city, Democratic Republic of the Congo, between 1989 and 2014. Pattern analysis revealed that since 1989, the built-up proportion has gradually increased in all municipalities at the expense of green space areas as a result of rapid demographic pressure coupled with a lack of an appropriate program for their preservation. In terms of pattern dynamics, green space extent has been dominated by attrition, fragmentation and dissection processes. This is opposed to creation and aggregation which characterized built-up areas. Our observations emphasize the need for a sustainable management of green spaces that takes into account the socio-economic context of each municipality.