MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2019)
Suitability Conservation Types Analysis of Panglima Besar Soedirman Reservoir
Mrica Reservoir located in Banjarnegara Regency is amultipurpose reservoir. Based on the report of PT Indonesia Power UnitPembangkitan (UP) Mrica in 2016, the sediment of Mrica Reservoir hasentered the critical phase as it reached 114.25 million m3 and the value ofland-cover index of Mrica reservoir was 80% of the total watershed areawith the average sedimentation rate reaching 4.09 million m3 per year. Itis estimated that the reservoir will be full of sediment by 2021. The maincause of the high rate of sedimentation in Mrica reservoir is the changes inland use and agricultural-plantation activities in the upper river areas andalong the river flow of Serayu River, Merawu River, and Lumajang River. This study aimed to determine the appropriate type of conservation forMrica Reservoir. The method used was the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), in which the determination of conservation efforts was based onsecondary data and observation. According to the current condition ofMrica Reservoir, the planned conservation efforts include two types, namely non-structural conservation and structural conservation. If theconservation begins in 2019, the total sediment in 2021 will decrease to74% and it is predicted that the sediment will be exhausted by 2056.