International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (Oct 2014)
Language Teachers' Views on CEFR
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) provides a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications, thus facilitating educational and occupational mobility. The document was recommended to the member states to be used by the Committee of Minister of the Council of Europe. As a result, it has increasingly become a key reference document and valuable tool as it is related to all who are directly involved in language teaching and testing. Teachers play a vital role in the application of this document effectively. This is why they have to be offered training as a first step. However, in order to prepare an effective training related to CEFR, it has to be analyzed that what language teachers know about the document and how they apply the issues stated in this reference tool. For this aim, this study tries to determine what teachers know about the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) document and what they think about the applicability of the document. Keywords: Common European Framework of Reference, teacher training, Council of Europe