Biotemas (Jun 2011)
Reef bioconstructors of the Rocas Atoll, Equatorial South Atlantic
This study presents an analysis of reef bioconstructors at the Rocas Atoll, Brazil’s Northeast, sampled in January and February 2008. The results showed the presence of a community made up mainly of calcareous algae (Porolithon pachydermum, Sporolithon sp., Lithoporella sp., Lithophyllum sp.), corals (Siderastrea stellata, Favia gravida), vermetid mollusks (Dendropoma irregulare, Petaloconchus varians), and foraminifers (Homotrema rubrum) in the reef formation. This taxonomic survey shows the importance of a different species during the carbonate growth process of the only atoll in the Equatorial South Atlantic.