Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (May 2022)
The effects of nanoparticle aggregation and radiation on the flow of nanofluid between the gap of a disk and cone
The heat transfer in three-dimensional coordinates is the main focus of the present article. The cone-disk (CND) apparatus is presumed to include a stationary cone (SCN) and a rotating disk (RTD), or counter-rotating, or both of them co-rotating, along with Titanium dioxide-ethylene glycol-based nanofluid. The accommodative impact of nanopaprticles aggregation and thermal radiation is considered in the modelling equations for the flow pattern available in the literature. The modelling equations are converted into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using similarity transformations. The behaviour of flow profiles is readily understood by employing the Runge Kutta Fehlberg fourth fifth-order (RKF45) method and the shooting approach, which is strategized and explained using graphs. The outcomes reveal that the dynamics of flow with nanoparticles aggregation case shows better-quality heat transport for increased values of radiation parameter. Furthermore, the fluid flow with aggregation shows the developed heat transfer rate at cone surface for increased values of radiation parameter.