Stomatološki glasnik Srbije (Jan 2003)

Clinical evaluation of composite materials for pit and fissure sealing

  • Petrović Vanja,
  • Vulićević Zoran,
  • Marković Dejan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 50, no. 2
pp. 70 – 75


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Sistemic fluoride ingestion has been found to be more effective in its caries- reducing benefits on the smooth surfaces than on the pit and fissures. A greater vulnerability to pit and fissure caries determines the need for occlusal surface specific protection. The objective of this study was to investigate clinical effectiveness of 5 different composite sealants during an 18- month observation period. Tested materials were: Superlux Seal-opak (composite with filler particles), Superlux Seal-transparent Estiseal and Fissurit (clear), and Fissurit F (composite with fluoride). They were evaluated according to modified Cvar&Ryge criteria for: retention (R), marginal adaptation (MA), marginal discoloration (MD), surface texture (ST), and secondary caries (SC). The materials were applied in 87 children 6-7 years of age, on 215 first permanent molars, two different materials for each patient. The results were tested for statistical significance by .2 and Fisher's T-test. The results showed good clinical performance of all tested materials with no statistically significant differences. High effectiveness in occlusal caries prevention rated from 97,30% for Fissurit F, and 98% for Superlux Sealopak, to 100% for all other tested sealants. Pit and fissure sealing is an effective prophylactic measure which should be part of the preventive program.
