Эпилепсия и пароксизмальные состояния (Nov 2020)
Multifocal resection in therapy of pediatric progredient epilepsy
Objective. To analyze the long-term results after surgical treatment of multifocal cortical epilepsy in children and determine prognostic factors. The use of multilobar resections in the surgical treatment of pediatric multi-focal epilepsy remains an pressing problem of current neurology and neurosurgery.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the multifocal resections data in 47 children with drug-resistant single-hemispheric multifocal epilepsy was performed by monitoring patients between age of 8 months up to 17 years old, who were operated from 1994 to 2014, additionally examined for prognostic factors affecting short- and long-term treatment outcomes after surgery.Results. According to the MRI data, structural changes in the brain were found in 63.8% subjects, whereas in 36.2% cases no pathology was detected. The following types of surgical interventions were performed: fronto-temporal resection - 44.68% cases; temporal resection combined with subpial removal of the frontal and parietal cortex in 21.28% patients; resection of the temporal lobe and cortical foci of the parietal lobe - 19.15%; removal of the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes - 2 cases; resection of the temporal and occipital - 2 cases; resection of the temporal lobe in combination with multifocal resection of the cortical epileptic foci of the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes - 1 cases; fronto-central-parietal combined with multiple subpial transection of the cortex - 1 case, fronto-parieto-occipital - 1 case. Immediately in postoperative period and up to 12 months post-surgery, seizures disappeared in 42.9% cases, whereas in long-term period results remained stable with Engel I outcome in 41.7% after 3 years, 41.2% - after 5 years and 40.6% - after 10 years post-surgery.Conclusion: Multilobar resections performed in multifocal epilepsy allow to provide a favorable result in the short-term and long-term period with fully abrogated seizures in 48% and 41% cases, respectively. Positive prognostic factors were found to be duration of epilepsy less than 7 years, onset of the disease at school age, lack of generalized seizures and epileptic status in history, as well as the vastness of surgery.