Anuario de la Escuela de Historia Virtual (Dec 2015)
Políticas editoriales en las cartas jesuitas de Japón (Évora, 1598): análisis de tres epístolas
This paper analyzes a corpus of three letters written by Jesuits from Japan in 1562 and published in 1598 in Évora. Two versions are compared: (i) the version published in Évora, and (ii) the original one, edited by Ruiz-de-Medina from the remaining manuscripts (1995). The comparison reveals that several fragments were removed or subtly edited. The paper argues that the differences between published and not-published versions show the Society’s aim to build an official narrative about the Japanese mission. Several tricky issues were omitted in that process. Two questions are posed and need development: what was put aside from the European readers’ eye? and why?