Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики (Jan 2021)
In the conditions of the information economy development and the transition to the sixth technological order, innovative changes are occurred in the social organization of society, a network society is formed, and innovative knowledge and technologies are the key to progressive development. Innovations become a factor of economic development and ensure the transition from one technological order to another. At the same time, great importance in the development of scientific, technical and innovative activity belongs to the state, which is a key institution that forms the rules of the game on the basis of the development of regulatory legal support and funding of the science, stimulating the development of innovative entrepreneurship, creating the appropriate socio-economic conditions for highly qualified prospective scientific staff. Under such conditions, it becomes relevant to study the current state of scientific, technical and innovative activity of Ukraine based on the study of international rankings and analysis of domestic information sources, as well as analysis of existing forecasts of the evolution of the number of researchers. It is found out that there are negative tendencies of science development in Ukraine, which are caused by significant reduction of science funding, decline of prestige of scientific work in society, significant volumes of emigration of perspective highly qualified scientists due to insufficient material stimulation, physical and moral deterioration of the scientific and technical base, the lack of strategy of innovative development, the lack of support and understanding by the government, imperfect legal regulation. The modern legal and regulatory base for scientific, technical and innovative activity is investigated, which includes a number of legislative, regulatory and departmental documents, concepts and programs. It is found out that the development of science and innovation depends on the state scientific and technical policy, as well as on measures in the field of entrepreneurship support, especially the creation of favorable conditions for the development of innovative entrepreneurship.