Yönetim ve Ekonomi (Jan 2011)
Müzakere Sürecinde Türkiye’ye Yönelik Avrupa Birliği Mali Yardımları: Taahhütler ve Gerçekleşmeler(The European Union Grants For Turkey In The Negotiating Process: Allocated and Realized Amount)
This paper deals with the EU grants allocated to the candidate countries to ease the transition process. Changing structurally since its inception, the amount of grants given to Turkey has gradually been increased since Turkey was officially declared a candidate country at the Helsinki Summit, while the priorities focused on harmonizing rules and regulations in Turkey with the Acquis Communitaire, foregrounding the political aspect of the Copenhagen criteria. Funds allocated under various budget lines were gathered in a single framework named Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – IPA by the time accession talks with Turkey opened. A total of 3.937.400.000 Euro has been allocated for Turkey under Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the period between 2007-2012; thus enabling the civil society organizations realize their founding aims. Allocation of the proposed grants depends on the absorption capacity of Turkey. In this respect, sustaining the programs aiming at reinforcing project development and implementation capacities of the governmental and non-governmental organizations is vital fort he harmonization process.