Sociologies (May 2023)
Défaites politiques et trajectoires d’engagement : le choc moral de l’année 2016 pour les pétistes de Belo Horizonte
In Brazil, the Workers’ Party has emerged considerably diminished from 2016: relegated to the opposition after the impeachment of Dilma Rouseff and badly defeated in municipal elections. Based on a field survey conducted in Belo Horizonte, this article question petistas on their perceptions of this sudden relegation, apprehended here under the prism of political defeat. My objective is to identify, contextualize and measure the mobilizing potential of these events on the trajectories of individuals actively engaged in the PT’s electoral campaign for the 2018 Brazilian general elections. From an entry through engagement, I mobilize the concepts of bifurcation and moral shock to analyze the impact of political relegation on life trajectories in terms of militancy.