L'Espace Politique (May 2011)
Lieux de l’homoérotisme et de l’homosexualité masculine à Marrakech
Places of male homoerotics and homosexuality in Marrakesh are often the same than general male sociability. This geographical and ideological central feature of male “cruising” indicate a centrality and also a ordinariness of sexual male practices. Though, from long and continuous fieldwork observations and from the collection of ethnographical data, we were able to set two kinds of space which are correlated with two patterns of sexuality, but also with different social classes. Outdoor and male sociability sites like streets, squares and coffees seem to be used by lower and middle social classes men, while new tourists-centered international places like bars and clubs are occupied by more well-heeled people. This dividing by economics and/or intellectual capacity seems also promoting a separation between two male sexual patterns in Morocco. A patter that we choose to call “homoerotic” and one, more recent, that we called “homosexual”.