IDA: International Design and Art Journal (Jun 2024)
The effect of digital technology on graphic design ideation output
Digital technology has changed the face of design creativity. The traditional dependence on paper and pencil is gradually replaced with the digital approach, which uses digital technologies during the ideation stage. This study explores how digital technology influences the graphic design ideation process and outcomes. This study adopts qualitative methodology as it ontologically assumes a subjective stance and is epistemologically constructive in nature. The methods of data collection adopted are interviews and observation. The twenty-eight (28) participants of the study were made of twenty-four graphic design students and four lecturers from two universities in Ghana. It was discovered that participants used digital devices, design software, and the internet during design ideation. The study also revealed that digital technology aids designers in generating a variety of quality ideas which helps in achieving novelty in design. Vector software is crucial for digital concept illustration, but less than half of the participants use it. It was recommended that students should be exposed to vector software for design ideation as constant use of this software will help them develop the fluency required to create digital design ideation with ease.