AIP Advances (Feb 2024)
Magnetoelectric CoV2O6—Role of Fe inter-play in Co-based Ising spin chain interactions
CoV2O6, a Brannerite-type material, exists in both monoclinic (α) and triclinic (γ) forms. α- CoV2O6 exhibits quasi-1D ferromagnetic chains of octahedrally-coordinated Co2+ions in the higher spin state. Fe2+ doped α-CoV2O6 (3 mol%) single crystals were synthesized using high temperature melt method. The motivation is to investigate whether disruption of 1D Co2+ ferromagnetic chains by small Fe3+ substitution alters the antiferromagnetic ground state and lead to stronger spin-frustration. In this paper, we report the magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of Fe doped α-CoV2O6 in detail. The strongly anisotropic nature of magnetic and magnetodielectric characteristics were captured well in the data through orientation dependent measurements with H being parallel to a and c axes of the crystal. Relative dielectric permittivity (εr) exhibited sharp peaks coinciding with the plateau edges Hc1 ∼2.2 T and Hc2 ∼4.4 T in the magnetization curves (M-H) for applied H parallel to a-axis. For dielectric measurements under applied H parallel to c-axis, relative dielectric permittivity exhibited sharp peak around Hc2 ∼3.1 T, again coinciding with the M-H behavior. Such closely related magnetic field induced dielectric transitions reflected in both M(H) and εr(H) measurements is a rare phenomenon and representative of strong spin-lattice coupling in this phase.