Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Nov 2024)

‚Tag- und Nachtseiten‘: Göteborg in E.M. Arndts Reise durch Schweden im Jahr 1804 und dessen dunkle, intertextuelle Erkundung in E.T.A. Hoff manns Die Bergwerke zu Falun

  • Thorsten Päplow

Journal volume & issue
no. 14


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Light and Dark Sides of a City: Gothenburg in E.M. Arndt’s Voyage Through Sweden in 1804 and its Dark, Intertextual Exploration in E.T.A. Hoff mann’s The Mines of Falun This paper examines the intertextual relationship between E.M. Arndt’s Voyage Through Sweden in 1804 and E.T.A. Hoff mann’s The Mines of Falun focusing on how the city of Gothenburg is portrayed in both texts. Many scholars have pointed out that Arndt’s travelogue is an important pre- or hypotext for The Mines of Falun, while mostly reducing its role to a source text from which Hoff mann extracted information about local, that is to say Swedish, conditions and customs, terminology etc. This paper argues and illustrates that the intertextual relationship between these two texts goes much further than this: Hoff mann uses Arndt’s favourable depiction of Gothenburg as a progressive and socially responsible city as a starting point for the introductory scene in The Mines of Falun, which focuses on and explores the darker sides of Arndt’s literary depiction of early 19th century Gothenburg.