Quantum (Sep 2019)
Locally accurate MPS approximations for ground states of one-dimensional gapped local Hamiltonians
A key feature of ground states of gapped local 1D Hamiltonians is their relatively low entanglement --- they are well approximated by matrix product states (MPS) with bond dimension scaling polynomially in the length $N$ of the chain, while general states require a bond dimension scaling exponentially. We show that the bond dimension of these MPS approximations can be improved to a constant, independent of the chain length, if we relax our notion of approximation to be more local: for all length-$k$ segments of the chain, the reduced density matrices of our approximations are $\epsilon$-close to those of the exact state. If the state is a ground state of a gapped local Hamiltonian, the bond dimension of the approximation scales like $(k/\epsilon)^{1+o(1)}$, and at the expense of worse but still poly$(k,1/\epsilon)$ scaling of the bond dimension, we give an alternate construction with the additional features that it can be generated by a constant-depth quantum circuit with nearest-neighbor gates, and that it applies generally for any state with exponentially decaying correlations. For a completely general state, we give an approximation with bond dimension $\exp(O(k/\epsilon))$, which is exponentially worse, but still independent of $N$. Then, we consider the prospect of designing an algorithm to find a local approximation for ground states of gapped local 1D Hamiltonians. When the Hamiltonian is translationally invariant, we show that the ability to find $O(1)$-accurate local approximations to the ground state in $T(N)$ time implies the ability to estimate the ground state energy to $O(1)$ precision in $O(T(N)\log(N))$ time.