Revista de Derecho Político (Aug 2016)
La participación directa de los ciudadanos en la Constitución española y las consultas populares en el ámbito estatutario // Direct participation of citizens in the Spanish Constitution and the competency in popular consultations in some Autonomous Commu
Resumen: En el presente estudio se aborda un análisis sobre las características de la democracia representativa y de la democracia directa, especialmente sobre el referéndum y su diferencia con respecto a las consultas populares. Algunas Comunidades Autónomas tienen competencia para convocar consultas populares, lo que ha supuesto, especialmente en el caso de Cataluña, que el Tribunal Constitucional haya tenido que aclarar el alcance de dichas consultas y su inconstitucionalidad cuando se pretende equipararlo al referéndum. Abstract: In the present study, we analyze the characteristics of representative democracy and direct democracy, especially on the referendum and its difference from the popular consultations. Some Autonomous Communities have the power to call referendums, which has led, especially in the case of Catalonia, the Constitutional Court has had to clarify the scope of such consultations and unconstitutional when trying to equate the referendum. Summary: I. ABOUT DIRECT DEMOCRACY AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. II. REFERENDUM AS A MEANS OF DIRECT PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSTITUTION OF 1978. III. POPULAR CONSULTATIONS IN THE STATUTE OF AUTONOMY, SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CATALONIA. 1. The autonomic regulation of the popular consultation and the intervention of the Constitutional Court. 2. The use in Catalonia of competition in popular consultations. IV. CONCLUSION.