Hecheng xiangjiao gongye (May 2024)
"Preparation and water-swelling properties of grafted natural rubber based water-swellable rubber"
Deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) latex was selected as the substrate for the modified rubber, the grafting copolymerization of acrylic acid (AA) monomer on DPNR chain was achieved and a type of hydrophilic AA modified DPNR copolymer (DPNR-g-PAA) was prepared based on the free ra-dical emulsion graft copolymerization of allyl of rubber macromolecule chain and vinyl monomer in the presence of re-dox initiating system, and the molecular structure, cross-sectional morphology, and water-swelling properties of DPNR-g-PAA were characte-rized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance hydrogen spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and gravimetric method. The results showed that the water absorption rate of DPNR-g-PAA film as water-swellable rubber could reach 85.06%, and the surface moisture permeability of DPNR was significantly improved. Compared with the traditional process of physical blen-ding or solution grafting copolymerization, DPNR-g-PAA prepared by the free radical emulsion graft copolymerization had certain advantages.