Jurnal Pangan dan Agroindustri (Oct 2021)


  • Dini Novita Sari,
  • Azizah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 4
pp. 216 – 226


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ABSTRAK Penelitian pengaruh dari campuran effervescent terhadap sifat fisik dan kimiawi serta preferensi panelis pada serbuk effervescent daun pegagan. Rancangan penelitian dengan RAL yaitu tiga ulangan dan lima perlakuan. Data dianalisis dengan statistik anova dan dilanjutkan dengan DNMRT pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Perlakuan yaitu penambahan effervescent mix sebanyak 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, dan 60%. Pengamatan fisik terdiri dari waktu kelarutan dan analisis kimia yaitu pH, kadar air, kadar klorofil, aktivitas antioksidan, kadar polifenol, dan daya terima. Produk terbaik berdasarkan organoleptik, karakterisasi fisik dan kimiawi adalah produk D yang ditambahkan campuran effervescent 55%. Hasil evaluasi organoleptik pada produk D adalah pada warna 60%, rasa 55% dan aroma 50%. Analisis fisik hasilnya yaitu 63.33 detik untuk waktu kelarutan dan pengamatan kimia 6.9% kadar air, pH 5.6, aktivitas antioksidan 24.97%, kadar polifenol 1.77 mg/ml, dan kadar klorofil 10.79 mg/L. Kata kunci: Bubuk Effervescent, Campuran Effervescent, Daun Pegagan ABSTRACT Research the effect of the effervescent mixture on the physical and chemical properties as well as the preference of the panelists on the effervescent powder of gotu kola leaves. The research design with RAL is three replications and five treatments. Data were analyzed with ANOVA statistics and next DNMRT at 5% significance level.The treatments were the addition of effervescent mix as much as 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, and 60%. Physical observations consisted of solubility time and chemical analysis, namely pH, water content, chlorophyll content, antioxidant activity, polyphenol content, and acceptability. The best product based on organoleptic, chemical and physical characterization is product D is added with 55% effervescent mix. The results of the organoleptic on product D were 60% color, 55% taste and 50% aroma. Physical analysis results are 63.33 s for solubility time and chemical observations 6.9% water content, pH 5.6, antioxidant activity 24.97%, polyphenol content 1.77 mg/ml, and chlorophyll content 10.79 mg/L. Keywords: Effervescent Mix, Effervescent Powder, Pegagan Leaves
