TheoRhēma (Jan 2022)
Perspective privitoare la utilizarea noilor tehnologii și a mijloacelor de comunicare asupra tinerilor
Digital technologies have been contemplated by several theologians and sociologists over the last decades, and the technological effects on the day-to-day lives of youth are being studied by experts from different areas of academic research. The impact of electronic devices on the habits and preferences of Millennials, for instance, is more than apparent since the young generation is tremendously different from later generations due to the use of digital devices and the internet, to name one reason. It is of utmost interest for us to study this topic because we witness a decline in the religious and moral interest of many Christian youths in their daily decision-making. And while the link between the morality of young Christians and the use of technology is intuitive at this moment, there is more research to be done on both the negative and the positive effects of technology use.