Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (Aug 2022)

Production and validation of educational video to encourage breastfeeding

  • Daniella Canejo Dantas,
  • Fernanda Garcia Bezerra Góes,
  • Andressa Silva Torres dos Santos,
  • Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana da Silva,
  • Maria da Anunciação Silva,
  • Liliane Faria da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 43


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ABSTRACT Objective: To produce and validate an educational technology in health in video format to encourage breastfeeding in families. Methods: Methodological study, carried out in a virtual environment, from February to August 2021, in seven stages. The Content Validity Index was used, with desirable values equal to or greater than 0.70. Results: The video lasting 7 minutes and 38 seconds was validated by 20 expert judges and 20 pregnant women, postpartum women, and family members, using a Global Content Validity Index of 0.97 and 1.00, respectively. All items evaluated regarding functionality, usability, efficiency, audiovisual technique, environment, procedure, objectives, organization, video style, appearance and motivation reached indexes equal to or greater than 0.95. Conclusions: The video produced is a validated educational technology that can be used to encourage breastfeeding with families, as it elucidates, in an innovative and creative way, different issues related to breastfeeding.
