Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano (Dec 2008)

<b> Blood lactate concentrations and kinematic behavior of young runners in 50 and 100m sprints </b<

  • Juliano Dal Pupo,
  • Ivon Chagas da Rocha Junior,
  • Carlos Bolli Mota

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 4
pp. 393 – 398


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The purpose of this study was to verify the kinematic behavior of young runners during 50 and 100m sprints andtheir blood lactate concentration at the end of these sprints. Kinematic analysis was performed on the speed curve andsome variables analyzed at the end of these runs. Fourteen individuals took part in this study, being 7 males (12.35 ± 0.83years) and 7 females (12.61 ± 0.70 years). The speed curve was constructed using the panning method. The remainingkinematic variables were measured using two-dimensional videography with a Peak Motus video camera operating at 180Hz. Blood samples were taken from the runners’ earlobes in order to assay lactate concentration. The results demonstratethat at both distances top speed is reached at 40m. This, however, corresponds to 80% of the distance of the 50m sprint,but just 40% of the 100m run. The significant differences in kinematic variables observed between the two sprints were:increased duration of the support phase in the males, decreased stride frequency among the females and lower averagespeed at the end of 100m in comparison to 50m, in all individuals. The highest blood lactate concentrations were observedafter the 100m run. It was concluded that there was greater loss of performance during 100m, based on the differencesbetween some kinematic variables and the major loss of speed. Moreover, despite lactate concentration being higher afterthis run, the values were still considered low, indicating a lack of anaerobic capacity in these individuals.
