Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2006)
從期刊及博碩士論文分析探討台灣圖書資訊學之研究 The Status Quo of Library and Information Science Research in Taiwan: A Meta-Analysis of Journal Articles and Dissertations/Theses
本研究透過維基平台收錄圖書資訊學期刊20種共1,746篇文章,以及9所圖書資訊學系、所共311篇博、碩士論文。然後,根據圖書資訊學研究領域分類表之分類體系分成8大類,再利用Excel及SPSS進行統計分析。結果顯示期刊在8大類的分佈很平均,但文章數量卻有逐漸下滑的趨勢;博、碩士論文的研究則偏重在使用者群服務、資訊系統與檢索及資訊組織的部分。藉由群集分析可將20種期刊分成5個各有其特性的群組。從期刊及博、碩士論文的主題分佈,可看出圖書資訊學研究的狀況。This research uses wiki platform to collect 1,746 articles from 20 Library and Information Science-related journals and 311 theses and/or dissertations from 9 universities. According to Library Information Science Research Areas Classification Scheme, these articles can be divided into eight areas and analyzed statistically by applying Excel and SPSS. The result shows that the collected articles are distributed evenly in these eight research areas. However, the total amount of articles is decreasing. The research focus of theses and dissertations have mainly been on “Services to user populations”, “information systems and retrieval”, and “Organization of information”. By using cluster analysis, 20 journals can be separated into five groups and the similarities of the journals within the same group are very high. From the distribution of topics of the journals, theses and dissertations, the status quo of Library and Information Science research can be understood.