Psi Unisc (Jul 2018)
Multiprofessional Hospital Intervention with Premature Birth: a Systematic Review
The present study aimed to map understand the empirical studies on multiprofessional hospital intervention with premature birth, in order to identify how these interventions, occur and identify the association between the actions developed and the impact generated at the preterm period, as well as, to verify the existence of hospital interventions focused on mother-infant interaction in the context of prematurity with a focus on psychology. For this, a search and analysis of the articles including searches in the electronic databases Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, PubMed, PepSic and BVS were carried out in September 2017. Publications including the period from 2013 to 2017 were included, using standardized terms and provided by DECS and Mesh Terms: premature birth, hospitals and health services. Only articles about multiprofessional hospital intervention with preterm infants, of any kind, with actions attached to their quality of life and focus directly to the preterm were included. A total of 2040 articles were identified, of which only three were selected according to the inclusion criterion adopted. The systematic analysis allowed to identify the association among the actions developed and the impact of these beneficial, non-pharmacological, economic and non-invasive interventions to the neonate and the possible relationship of these findings with the body construction of newborn's ego. The findings of this review are discussed with the relevant psychoanalytic literature.