Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 1992)

The Evaluatıon Of Accuracy And Relıabılıty Of The Measurement Of Cephalometrıc Radıographs By Tracıng And Dırect Dıgıtızatıon Methods

  • Haluk İşeri,
  • Oğuz Yılmaz,
  • Ayşegül Açıkbaş

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 1 – 6


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In the present study, accuracy and reliability of measurement of cephalomeric radiographs by tracing and direct digitization was studied. Besides this, time factor was also evaluated. The sample comprised lateral cephalometric films of 50 subjects in the age range 20 to 30. A total of 15 parameteres (linear, angular, effective and ratio) were measured twice by tracing and direct digitization methods, and the data were analyzed by various statistical methods. As a result, no significant differences were found between the mean values of first and second measurements in both groups. On the other hand, variation of effective and some angular measurements were higher in the tracing group than in the computer group. The reliabdity of measurements were high for both groups, an the computer method was markedly faster (7 times) than the tracing method.
