Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education (Jan 2018)

Differences in the Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition of Football Players FC Buducnost and FC Mladost in Montenegro

  • Jovan Gardasevic,
  • Dusko Bjelica,
  • Stevo Popovic,
  • Ivan Vasiljevic,
  • Zoran Milosevic

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 51 – 55


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The aim of this research was to determine the differences among the top football players of the two Montenegrin club FC Buducnost and FC Mladost in the morphological characteristics and body composition. A sample of 47 examinees was divided into two sub-samples. The first sub-sample of the examinees consisted of 30 players of FC Buducnost of the average age 22.73±4.33, the champions of the Montenegrin Championship in the season 2016/17, while the other sub-sample consisted of 17 players of FC Mladost of the average age of 24.59±4.66, the vice champions of the Montenegrin Championship in the season 2016/17, with the same number of points gained as the champion. Football players were tested immediately after the end of the competition season 2016/17. Morphological characteristics in the body composition were evaluated by a battery of 11 variables: body height, body weight, body mass index, fat percentage, muscle mass, bone mass, waist size, triceps skin set, biceps skin set, back skin set and abdominal skin set. The standard central and dispersive parameters of all variables were calculated. The significance of the differences between the players of the top two football clubs in the morphological characteristics and variables for assessing body composition was determined by a t-test for independent samples. It was found that the football players of the two mentioned clubs have statistically significant differences by the variables that estimate the amount of fat percentage in a favor of FC Buducnost.
