Pensamento Plural (Dec 2015)
Feminism, recognition and trans* women: online expressions tensions
This paper seeks thematize the relationship between struggles for recognition and the construction of the feminist subject, looking particularly to the demands of trans * women. For this, we discussed how the online environment works as a sharing space and mutual clarification, as well as clashes over the issue at hand. Our discussion will be based on theoretical constructs of Axel Honneth (2003) on the social esteem as one of the elements of the struggles for recognition. In order to undertake such a discussion, we look at two online spaces and established three possible categories to frame posts found: a) expressions of damage, b) statement of expressions of individual skills and c) estimates of trading expressions. These spaces are shown as important arenas for discursive clashes crossing the relationship between feminism and transfeminism. They point to the importance of the Internet for shows and theming of oppression.