Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Jul 2017)
The effect of medical rehabilitation in respiratory syndrome patients with connective tissue dysplasia
Background. The relevance of work is warranted by the necessity of a personalized approach to the rehabilitation of bronchopulmonary syndrome patients with connective tissue dysplasia (CTD). Aim. To assess the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation in patients with different clinical phenotypes of bronchopulmonary syndrome and CTD on the basis of the analysis of quality of life indicators.Materials and methods. 174 patients aged 18–40 years were divided into subgroups depending on the predominant clinical respiratory option syndrome. The results of a survey of 75 patients, matched by sex and age, with no signs of CTD were used as controls. Rehabilitation activities were carried out under outpatient conditions three times a week for 12 weeks, 2 times a year. The effectiveness of individual rehabilitation programs for each patient was evaluated after two courses of medical rehabilitation. The SF-36 questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life.Results. Before the start of rehabilitation programs integral indicators in persons with CTD were significantly lower than in persons without CTD. After carrying out of rehabilitation programs, the most significant increase of mean values was observed for the parameters of the psychological health component: mental health (+40 points), vitality (+23 points), role of emotional functioning (+25 points) and social functioning (+21 points). The parameters of the physical health component increased to a lesser extent, their gains ranged from +7 points for the parameters of the overall perception of health to +19 points for the intensity of pain parameters. The effect on the physical health components was limited by the variety of irreversible structural changes of various organs and systems, suggesting a longer monitoring period. However, during rehabilitation significant positive effects were reported for physical health as well. Different parameters of values of quality of life were identified in patients with different clinical variants of bronchopulmonary syndrome.Conclusion. A personalized approach that takes into account the clinical variant of the syndrome can significantly increase the reserve for improving the functional capacity and also for psychological and social adaptation of the patient.