E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
A Chabot Supported Secured Portal for Affordable Artificial Limbs
In the last few years, there has been much demand for artificial limbs. Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India has announced that 42 million people require artificial limbs. There are 12 million people who are suffering from limb loss and 40,000 amputations are performed in a year in India. The New Indian Express has published in 2022 that, approximately 25 leg amputations are performed each day in Kerala. The demand for artificial limbs has also raised issues such as, will the products be delivered fast, are they cost efficient, and whether customized products are available. Protecting the buyer’s credentials and answering to their queries is essential. So, in order to overcome these issues, this research aims to build a website which acts as an intermediate between the buyers and manufacturers. The website is a one-step solution for the buyers where they can identify different manufactures by securing their data. Buyer’s privacy can be achieved by safe-guarding all the passwords using SHA-256 algorithm. The chatbot can be used as a user-friendly mode to clarify the buyer’s doubts about the products. Review and rating about the products are also described to achieve customer’s belief.