Agronomy (Jun 2022)

Evaluation of New Fall Rye Cultivar ‘Bono’ in Single and Double Cropping Systems

  • Enkhjargal Darambazar,
  • Kathy Larson,
  • Daalkhaijav Damiran,
  • Herbert A. Lardner

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 6
p. 1382


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A new fall rye (FR, Secale cereale L.) cv. Bono was investigated as a novel cropping option in Saskatchewan, Canada. In this study, the performance of Bono was compared to Hazlet FR, and both cultivars were compared to winter triticale (WT, Triticosecale Wittm.) cv. Pika in single cropping (SC) or in double cropping (DC) systems with spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was evaluated in the Dark Brown soil zone, 2019–2021. Five replicated (n = 4) treatments were: (i) BonoFR; (ii) HazletFR; (iii) PikaWT; (iv) Barley–BonoFR; and (v) Barley–HazletFR. The first crop of barley was harvested at soft dough stage, followed by the second crop of FR seeded in the same year and harvested between flag leaf to heading emergence the following summer for greenfeed hay. Bono did not differ (p > 0.05) in DMY (1.2 Mg ha−1) or nutritive value from Hazlet, however, both FRs differed (p = 0.01) from WT by higher nitrogen use efficiency (NUE, 41.0 vs. 33.7) and NDF (541.8 vs. 479.3 g kg–1), but lower CP (155.3 vs. 187.1 g kg–1). Double cropping barley with fall ryes increased total DMY, nutrients yield per ha, and minerals uptake by up to 83% and NUE by 35.3%. In conclusion, Bono fall rye could be an equal quality alternative to Hazlet, although the current higher seed price may delay its adoption.
