Energies (Jul 2020)

Assessment of Hybrid RANS/LES Models in Heat and Fluid Flows around Staggered Pin-Fin Arrays

  • Byeong-Cheon Kim,
  • Kyoungsik Chang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 14
p. 3752


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In the present work, the three-dimensional heat and fluid flows around staggered pin-fin arrays are predicted using two hybrid RANS/LES models (an improved delayed detached eddy simulation (IDDES) model and a stress-blended eddy simulation (SBES) model), and one transitional unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) model, called k-ω SSTLM. The periodic segment geometry with a total of nine pins is considered with a channel height of 2D and a distance of 2.5D between each pin. The corresponding Reynolds number based on the pin diameter and the maximum velocity between pins is 10,000. The two hybrid RANS/LES results show the superior prediction of the mean velocity profiles around the pins, pressure distributions on the pin wall, and Nusselt number distributions. However, the transitional model, k-ω SSTLM, shows large discrepancies except in front of the pins where the flow is not fully developed. The vortical structures are well resolved by the two hybrid RANS/LES models. The SBES model is particularly adept at capturing the 3-D vortex structures after the pins. The effects of the blending function switching between RANS and LES mode of the two hybrid RANS/LES models are also investigated.
