Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Jan 2008)


  • Cinara Sacomori,
  • Fernando Luiz Cardoso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 73, no. 5
pp. 313 – 317


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Antecedentes: Las prácticas sexuales son influenciadas por aspectos de la naturaleza y de la cultura y con el avanzar de la gestación sufren modificaciones. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto del desenvolvimiento del embarazo sobre prácticas sexuales de gestantes en Florianópolis (SC) - Brasil. Método: Investigación retrospectiva y no probabilística que tuvo como participantes 138 mujeres en el período post-parto inmediato de Florianópolis, Brasil. Fue utilizado el Cuestionario de Sexualidad en la Gestación como instrumento y el análisis de los datos fue hecha a partir de estadística descriptiva e inferencial, con el test no paramétrico de Cochran'Q. Resultados: La práctica del coito vaginal fue gradual y significativamente menos realizada a lo largo de la gestación (Cochran's Q=31,86; pBackground: The sexual practices are influenced by aspects from nature and from culture and with the development of the gestation they suffer considered modifications. Objective: Evalúate the impact of the gestation development on pregnant women' sexual practices in Florianópolis (SC) - Brazil. Method: This is a retrospective and non probabilistic research that had 138 women participants in the immediate post parturition period in Florianópolis (SC), Brazil. The Questionnaire of Sexuality in Pregnancy was used as instrument of research and the data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Cochran's Q.'S test). Results: The practice of the vaginal coitus was gradually and significantly less accomplished along the gestation (Cochran's Q=31.86; p<0.001), as well as the self-masturbation practices (Cochran's Q=9.42; p=0.024), to be masturbated (Cochran's Q=31.04; p <0.001), to masturbate the partner (Cochran's Q=14.39; p=0.002), felation (Cochran's Q=25.84; p<0.001), cunilingus (Cochran's Q=30.70; p<0.001), mutual oral sex (Cochran's Q=36.37; p<0.001) and anal sex (Cochran's Q=25.59; p <0.001). None of the participants made use of vibrator as a sex toy. Conclusions: the gestational period affects significantly the proportions of accomplishment of the sexual practices, while the variations of the results in this study re-gards to other studies can be credited to the cultural diversity.
