Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica (Apr 2013)

Management curriculum: the experience of the Degree of Nursing at the University of Costa Rica

  • Ana Guzman Aguilar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 24


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We report herein the results of the third objective of the research entitled Analysis Curriculum of the Bachelor ofNursing at the University of Costa Rica. This objective is in the structure of the curriculum management plan inquestion. Participated in this process all teachers in the School of Nursing, teaching service, fifth year of a degree,graduates and employers in 2011-2012. We developed a mixed approach, with a parallel design. For data collection techniques were used oral and documentary instruments such as questionnaires and structured interviews to teachers, students and employers, as well as reviewing curriculum documents curriculum, The variables for the third goal were sufficient and suitability of staff, infrastructure sufficiency and adequacy and appropriateness of clinical fields. It was noted between the results of the management curriculum curriculum was broadly assessed satisfactorily in all items, leading to improvement and promote quality in the training of the professionals in nursing. We conclude that there is sufficiency and appropriateness of the teachers of the school of nursing and program of staff development is a positive action in this regard. The physical plant infrastructure still does not meet the expectations of teachers and students. Finally, the restriction on the number of students who are accepted as the current clinical field CCSS-UCR Agreement and the number of students that supports the academic unit annually makes them inadequate in clinical simulation incorporating the student achieves advantage the best learning experiences in health services.
