Zbornik Radova: Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić" (Jan 2007)
Primena Habitat Agende i Agende 21 za definisanje elemenata strategije razvoja planskog područja
The development strategy for a planned area is the first stage in creation of spatial plans. Strategy generates a possibility for implementation of the sustainable development concept to the planned area by practicing the principles and postulates of the Habitat Agenda and the Agenda 21. These Agendas are just the two examples in line of similar documents that deal with improvements in people’s quality of living as one of the principle goals of spatial planning, and which had been enacted in numerous UN conferences and other conventions. The Agendas are obligatory; thus their goals are applied in creation of spatial plans in our country, especially for those plans which concern sustainable planning and organization of regions and settlements, improvements in social and economic conditions, more efficient resource use, active participation of the local government, interregional and regional linkages.