Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (Oct 2024)
Neurodivergence resource bank showcase
An awareness of neurodiversity is important for educators as there has been an increase in the number of neurodivergent students accessing higher education (HE) in recent years (HESA, 2022). Additionally, universities have a legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to provide anticipatory reasonable adjustments to reduce barriers to learning (Equality Challenge Unit, 2010). In this wildcard session, the authors presented the journey of the ALDinHE Neurodiversity/ Inclusivity Community of Practice (CoP). They invited new members to become involved with the CoP. CoPs are ‘socially configured spaces that necessarily involve learning as an aspect of membership’ (Tummons, 2018, p.4). Community members can become involved by joining the bi-monthly meetings, hosting a session on a topic they are passionate about, or reviewing submissions for the Neurodivergence Resource Bank. The session offered delegates the chance to explore the Neurodivergence Resource Bank. This open-access repository is available through ALDinHE’s website, meaning all HE staff can access the resources. This is key as all HE staff ‘should be aware of inclusive teaching practices, to ensure an equitable learning experience for all students’ (Dettmer and Welton, 2023, p.64). Participants gave feedback on the submissions. They were also encouraged to submit their resources to it. This session explained how to submit resources and the benefits of evidencing impact for professional development.