Contree (Nov 2011)
Steve Biko and Kenneth Kaunda: Sampling youth in history
The paper examines history from the perspective of the youth as a marginalized social group in most societies. They are young, lacking influential skills and preparing for imagined futures. The paper argues that youth do not often use the democratic power embedded in numbers. The paper advances to show that history as selected speculation, fails to empower the youth in not explaining that major historical eras emerged from political challenges that the youth initiated and led. The author take the case of Steve Biko from South Africa and Kenneth Kaunda from Zambia to demonstrate the historical foundations of changes that came later in their respective states. During their youth Biko and Kaunda entered politics and precipitated changes of an enduring nature. When borrowing from Kaunda, Biko argued that respect for human dignity and freedoms laid foundations for struggles that improved social values and justice by rejecting colonial systems. It is further argued that comparative studies of people during their youth could improve quality of historical studies or learning, and appeal to young people to develop interest in history, and historical research.