Studia Historica Brunensia (Jul 2013)

Wer ist "Remigius" in Hussens Enarrationes Psalmorum? : zur Problematik des Zitierens dieser Autorität in den bohemikalen Auslegungen der Psalmen in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts

  • Dušan Coufal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 1-2


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The study searches for the true source of quotations marked as "Remigius" in Enarrationes Psalmorum of Jan Hus showing that the Czech reformer did not draw on the commentary on the Psalms by Remigius of Auxerre (although this work was known in Bohemia at that time), but on an unimportant first interpretation of the Psalms by Bruno of Segni from the second half of the eleventh century, for a long time traditionally ascribed to an otherwise unknown monk, Odo of Asti. In Czech manuscripts this work was originally connected with Remigius's name indirectly through a collection of three biblical interpretations attributed to him as a whole. This is how Hus, and perhaps already his teacher Jan of Mýto, might have come across this text. The tradition of the collection in Bohemia reaches at least as far as the end of the fourteenth century. Comprising older texts of monastic exegeses, the work was probably compiled for the purposes of this milieu, as the interpreted texts, the Psalms, the Cantica and the Pater noster, form the core of the monastic office, the so called canonical hours. The so far unsuccessful effort to find a parallel in non-Bohemian manuscripts does not exclude the possibility that the collection originated in Bohemia.
