Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (Jan 2003)
Applications des marqueurs moléculaires dans l'amélioration du blé tendre pour la résistance aux maladies et aux insectes
Applications of molecular markers in bread wheat breeding for pest and disease resistance. The development in recent years of DNAmarkers offers the possibility of developing new approaches to improving the efficiency of selection strategies. The molecular markers are becoming essential tools in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding since they offer alternative solutions to many breeding problems resulting from the traditional phenotypic markers that are difficult and/or time-consuming to select by plant breeders. Availability of tightly linked molecular markers can now be used in markerassisted selection (MAS) programs, specially for disease and pest resistance gene where it is possible to infer the gene by the marker without depending on the natural pest or pathogen occurrence or waiting for its phenotypic expression. Moreover, these markers have potential importance in facilitating selection procedure, particularly for pyramiding two or more different genes aiming at a more durable and broad- spectrum resistance. Breeding for disease and pest resistance gene can contribute to improving quality yield in wheat plants by carrying out indirect selection through molecular markers linked to the traits of interest. We first provide a brief description of main molecular markers technologies currently being employed. Next, we review some of the current and potential uses of molecular markers in breeding for disease and pest resistance genes in bread wheat