Micromachines (Mar 2023)
Hall Effect at the Focus of an Optical Vortex with Linear Polarization
The tight focusing of an optical vortex with an integer topological charge (TC) and linear polarization was considered. We showed that the longitudinal components of the spin angular momentum (SAM) (it was equal to zero) and orbital angular momentum (OAM) (it was equal to the product of the beam power and the TC) vectors averaged over the beam cross-section were separately preserved during the beam propagation. This conservation led to the spin and orbital Hall effects. The spin Hall effect was expressed in the fact that the areas with different signs of the SAM longitudinal component were separated from each other. The orbital Hall effect was marked by the separation of the regions with different rotation directions of the transverse energy flow (clockwise and counterclockwise). There were only four such local regions near the optical axis for any TC. We showed that the total energy flux crossing the focus plane was less than the total beam power since part of the power propagated along the focus surface, while the other part crossed the focus plane in the opposite direction. We also showed that the longitudinal component of the angular momentum (AM) vector was not equal to the sum of the SAM and the OAM. Moreover, there was no summand SAM in the expression for the density of the AM. These quantities were independent of each other. The distributions of the AM and the SAM longitudinal components characterized the orbital and spin Hall effects at the focus, respectively.